Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Preface

Hello, and thank you for deciding to read my blog! Well we just gave birth to our first child. Listen to me, "We?" Actually Tiffanie just gave birth to our first child, a beautiful little girl we named Eveah Anne Money. I don't want to take any credit away from Tiffanie, she was absolutely amazing through the whole delivery. Speaking of delivery, should we really use that term to describe the birth of a child. I mean the Dr. "delivered" our baby, but some sweet dude just "delivered" my pizza. Why pay half a million dollars to go to school for ten years to learn how to deliver babies when you could watch a 15 minute video and make an extra $5 per pizza working at Domino's?
I guess it's about the money. Which reminds me, if you don't know me, yes my last name is Money. Bradley John Money to be exact. I work in the Insurance business and I'm a true salesman at heart. My lovely fiance will soon be Tiffanie Daniel Money and works in annuities. My beautiful daughter is of course Eveah Anne Money. For all intensive purposes we will call her Eva for short. This blog is really about her. Well me and her, and my journey through fatherhood with a touch a Tiffanie mixed in to keep me honest. In the movie version of my blog, I would be played by Rosie O'Donnell, Tiffanie would be played by Renee Zellweger, and Eva would be played by her self, as she is the real star and I don't really know the name of any other newborn actors.
Also, if you haven't figured it out yet I may be hard to follow at times, my grammar and punctuation may be questionable, and well my mind likes to wander. I'm very imaginative and love to share my imagination with others. So please wander with me as I embark on the exciting and treacherous journey called Fatherhood! I love the word treacherous!
The above picture is from the day we took Eva home from the hospital. She was 17 inches 4lbs 9oz at birth. She was in the NICU for almost two weeks and came home weighing just over 5lbs. We've now been home for a week. She is absolutely amazing and I will share our first week of the journey with you soon! Thank you for reading, and thank you for your support!